I will gladly read anything you write, whenever you write it. Your essays make me laugh, fill me with sadness for what is essentially the human condition (people being mean and controlling), and provide insights into my own mental workings. Thank you.

I have my own Substack and I have written only once before I lost all enthusiasm (after my father died and ongoing trips every other week to help take care of my mother). That enthusiasm will eventually return. But I’ll be writing for myself and will consider it a bonus if others enjoy my writing.

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When you write for yourself, the wait will always be fruitful and that will show in what you decide to write next, when you decide to write it. x

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Same here

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Thank you. x

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The thing that the worst "How To Win At Substack" posts miss is that the whole point of this creative writing lark is to try to be different. I mean, I get that's so damn hard. (I don't think I've really achieved it yet - I'm just a moderately palatable weak copy of some of my writing heroes, and I'm good with that for now). But it's also the whole point.

So when someone is saying "you MUST do x and y", they're suggesting the best way to stand out is to do what the majority of other people on Substack are doing.

Which is, in the words of the immortal bard, complete bollocks.

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Gotta love that immortal bard! He had all the best words and we are but pale imitations!

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Jul 1Liked by Katy Wheatley

Your writing is my best friend. I love your thoughts you make me smile and feel I’m not bonkers. More please.

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oh, well that made me cry a bit, in a good way. Thank you. xx

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I love your writing and I’m not fussed about the frequency or what the ‘get rich quick’ coaches now occupying Substack have to say. Frankly, they get on my wick.

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I love that phrase. They get on my wick too!

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Jul 1Liked by Katy Wheatley

Keep 'em coming, Katie - your writing inspires me and makes me smile and you can't have enough of that! Hope you feel much better soon. x

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Thank you. xx

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i, for one, do a happy jig when i see you pop-up in my in box. and thank you for the reminder to write what i want on my terms (or from my heart), because that was why i started my own Substack. and for some reason, less than a year in 200 people even "follow" me. huh? for some reason i thought the "magic" number was "one a week." ha

so yes, i appreciate the writing how-to's. but what i get the most out of is reading others' posts that get me pondering or laughing or crying. make me wonder at a turn of phrase and reach for how i can improve my writing...not because i was told to do it a certain way to get more attention, but because it stunned me ("wow, language can do that!")

so thank you thank you thank you. and hope "the pest," as a friend of mine calls it, departs soon and you are back on an "even keel." pun intended.

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That's it, isn't it? That writing that makes you think about what's possible in a different way. So good. xxx

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Jul 2Liked by Katy Wheatley

More of your writing please, am joyfully anticipating your words. PS, look after yourself while you recover

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Doing my best. Wobbling about the boat like a cut price Bambi!

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Jul 1Liked by Katy Wheatley


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Jul 1Liked by Katy Wheatley

Although I am very sorry that you are ill, I do enjoy reading your work.

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Thank you. xx

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Jul 1Liked by Katy Wheatley

I love your writing and I look forward to more xx

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Thank you. xx

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Write the way you want to, and forget what everyone else says. I'm keeping up out here and will get back to my little corner of the woods in due time.

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