Greetings from north Florida! I came down the weekend before Thanksgiving for a quick visit with my beloved mom, who came down with pneumonia. She’s 99 and still sick, so I’m still here. It’s a lot. A weird thing has happened, though. It’s like the proverbial oxygen mask has descended. I’m deeply sad, but not freaking out. I see moments of grace in the nursing home every day. And your writing is a beacon of real loveliness. I’m grateful.:)

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Greetings back to you. I am sorry that your mum is still not better. I am sending you love down the wires from London. I am glad that you are finding those moments of grace. Much love. x

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"I have been trying to slim down festivities for some years now, with varying degrees of success."

I can relate to this, Katy.

Glad you managed to get the food items you wanted eventually.

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Thank you xx

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Happy Christmas!

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and to you, too. xx

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