I want to like this a million times over!

Stories. Oh my Goddess! I started writing seriously when I began to consider "What happens next?" with a music video and the story I conjured just kept going. Later, with Debbie Ford's Shadow work, I wrote down my life as a story, then saw where my Shadows got stuck, and *rewrote* those parts. That work kept me on this side of the equation during my "dumpster fire" years of serious depression.

The Fitting In challenge came to me as I entered adolescence. I chose NOT to fit in. I chose to be the Lone Wolf, and that's how I was for many years. Discovering the Goddess and Her path began to bring me back home through the power of Sisterhood.

A little slice of why I'm rooting hard for you in your Work. If we aren't on the same path, they are definitely parallel! ❤

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This is so interesting to me. It seems we are indeed, travelling in parallel. How wonderful. xx

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Liked by Katy Wheatley

Thank you for sharing the unfolding of your story. I appreciate how you are being tender with yourself in the midst of so much shifting.

I did therapy for years with baby steps of results. I think it was finally menopause that lit the fire for change...perhaps the feather? This was a helpful for context. And I also have never been a fan of Disney movies!

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one!

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Jan 27Liked by Katy Wheatley

Ahhhhh, meaning making, thanks for your beautiful words and a reminder of what is important to me at this stage of life.

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You are very welcome.

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I love the Jungian Life podcast and I love your sharing about your experience of therapy. I agree that the right stories (and the right people) find us at the right time. I’m so glad that you’ve found your therapist and Dumbo.

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Thank you. x

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26Liked by Katy Wheatley

My first nudge was to delve into your relationship with animals, but I’ll leave it there! I used to love Dumbo, but it was so sad. Here’s to standing out for whatever reason we please and because we can. I love the idea of channeling the energy into an object, now what do I choose? 🙏💫

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I grew up with lots of animals in small village that consisted largely of farms. Animal wise, life and death cosied up pretty consistently. I conducted a lot of mouse funerals! xx

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Ok it’s making more sense, is it wrong to think that mouse funerals sound really cute? xx 🥹

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Not at all! I also passed the habit on to my children who once did a full on Victorian, afternoon length funeral for a dead mouse they found and called Timothy Tails!

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That is adorable, I feel like my husband would do this for every animal that comes across his path that is no more if he could. He has a connection to animals that makes me think he was a Buddhist in a previous life!

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The idea of self-belief needing something tangible to hold on to was really interesting for me. Thank you.

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You're welcome. It was the most interesting part of the whole podcast for me, too x

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